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An Intro to One Wish One Step – the blog…

Hey there!

Thanks for checking out the One Wish One Step Website and specifically, my blog. I thought I would devote my very first post to introduce myself and include the background behind One Wish One Step. 

Okay to start off… who am I?

If you already know me, you can probably skip past this section or enjoy as I expose some fun facts about myself.

Currently, I’m sixteen and a half (yes that half is very important because I am “young for being a junior”), student by day, podcaster by night, and everything else in between. And when I say everything else I mean EVERYTHING else. Tennis, dance, Girl Scouts, Peer Counseling, Book Club, Shop Club (ok jk I’m not in Shop Club- is that even still a thing?). Before you start judging me… I am not one of those people who participate in every activity they can get their hands on for college or as a resume boost. I genuinely LOVE learning and exploring different activities and believe it or not, my list of extracurriculars that I do now is much shorter than what I did in my middle school days (still didn’t do Shop Club then, I know so sad). 

But OKAY yes the activities that I do are NOT a depiction of myself just like the classes you take or grades you earn are not an accurate representation of your intelligence (friendly reminder :). But listen, these projects are part of the reason why I am the person I am today. If it wasn’t for volunteering, I wouldn’t have been able to give back to the growing homeless population in San Diego or watch Challenged Athletes run more miles than I could dream of completing and most importantly, learn to love my community. If I didn’t take Optics as a part of Science Olympiad in 8th grade I wouldn’t have realized that physics is not my favorite subject (sorry dad). Our experiences, including the noteworthy successes and demoralizing failures, allow for us to grow and develop into the people looking at our screens at this present moment. Wow, deja vu moment right there. Okay enough of the philosophical, and back to me 🙂

Where am I from?

Sunny San Diego, California baby; yes, be jealous. I was born and brought up here and surprisingly resented the West Coast as a kid because I craved for white winters and actual seasons. It honestly took quarantine for me to appreciate the glimmering sunny skies that radiate into my room as I wake up, or the cool breeze that tickles my ears as I go on a late-night stroll. Weird how gratitude works right? More on that in a later blog post 🙂

Why One Wish One Step?

Yes, the question you have all been waiting for…drumroll please… because life is hard!! Whether you’re a teen, adult, senior citizen, I mean, even babies cry incessantly so for real, where is the lifelong peace, joy, and excitement I was promised?? If there’s anything I’ve learned during my sixteen and a half jam-packed years (see now why the half is necessary), you are your biggest ally, your lifelong soul mate, and ride or die cheerleader; that is, if you choose to be. Each day we wake up with choices. Choices on whether to conquer the day as a warrior -strapped in armor ready to fight our obstacles- or as an inflatable tube man (you know the long floaty things with cartoon faces that you see at car dealerships), constantly influenced by what life throws us. Now I don’t know about you but Mulan is my favorite Disney princess which means I’m choosing the warrior route. But how did Mulan become a bad a** soldier princess? She pushed through, defeated all obstacles, and most importantly, believed in herself even when no one else did (yes Disney movies are deep more on that in another blog post). And OKAY yes, at times we are our worst critics which means, sometimes we need a little push (even from random people whose stories seem irrelevant to our lives). Enter… the One Wish One Step Podcast. There is a reason why it is your ONE-STOP-SHOP for inspiration and advice because while I am a teen with (only) sixteen and a half years of existence, my interviewees are not only successful and prominent in their fields but are INCREDIBLY motivating. So get on Apple Podcasts or Spotify if you’re a fellow Android user (a moment of silence for us…thank you) and GO LISTEN!! New episodes are out weeklyish so if you want to hear from a theater artist, COVID scientist, or Appellate Court Judge (who is a possible Supreme Court nominee, yes you read that right) visit this link or click the “episodes” page at the top.

Okay, that’s it for now… if you read this far please leave a comment or reach out to me on Instagram @onewishonestep. Stay well and hope to see you soon!



This Post Has One Comment

  1. ananya

    i enjoyed reading this very much i give u an a+ shruti

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